This recipe isn’t so much a pasta recipe as it is a sauce recipe. A few posts back I showed ya’ll how to make a basic lobster stock for risotto which I had mentioned can be used for a multitude of things. As promised, heres tip #2 for lobster stock!
Frankly you can use whatever ravioli or even pasta your prefer. Fresh or frozen, it doesn’t matter. I used a sweet corn and polenta rav I had left over from an agnolotti post I made which can be found here.
For The Sauce:
1 pint of lobster stock
1 cup of cream
2 tablespoons chives, chopped
1 cup fresh or frozen peas
As promised, this recipe is super simple. While your pasta is boiling, add the stock to a medium to large sauce pan or rondo. Begin to heat up the stock and reduce it even further by half. Once reduced, add your cream and cook on low until the sauce really melts together and thickens. Use your judgment here, if you feel you will need more sauce for pasta, add in some pasta water. Just be sure that it really cooks out and blends well before introducing your pasta or you’ll have a very loose sauce. We want a creamy thick sauce that will hug our pasta and stick to it. Before adding the pasta, if you have any lobster meat now would be the time to add it. Also at this stage, add any peas or veggies you’d like, I used frozen peas here. Introduce the pasta and cook for an additional 60-90 seconds, really allow the pasta to finish cooking in the sauce. Garnish with chives and salt + pepper to taste!